F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [S]


Crispy, tough/rough vs smooth, chewy vs tender, chew


Tunnel – underground passage (walk way)

Hype – a lot of enthusiasm about something
Overhyped – people think something is better than it is.

attractions – popular things to see

Converse – verb for conversation
eg. You don’t have much opportunity to converse in English at work.

Cuisine – food that comes from a specific place
eg. My favorite cuisine is Chinese

spicy pepper – 辣椒
pepper – 胡椒
bell pepper – sweet pepper (vegetables)

heavy (feeling) – food that makes you feel heavy/tired so you don’t want to move afterwards
eg. Lasagna is a very heavy food because of the pasta and cream has a lot of fat and carbs.

carbohydrates (carbs) – 碳水化合物 found in things like rice, pasta, noodles, bread

Garlic – 蒜头

Texture – the feeling from touching the outside of something


I moved here when I was doing my college

The spicyness can you feel like after exercising



Sour [sow-were]

Speaking exercise


For Chinese cuisine sichuan/hunan are my favorite because they are spicy. I just feel totally enjoy them. I enjoy a fish head dish, this is my favorite. For Italian, I think lasagna. But I cannot eat quite a lot because you will feel really full. The first spoon is very good when I eat lasagna. Japanese sashimi and sushi is my favorite thing. I like sashimi with soy sauce and wasabi.


For Chinese cuisine sichuan/hunan are my favorites because they are spicy. I just feel totally enjoy them. I enjoy a fish head dish, this is my favorite. For Italian, I think lasagna. But I cannot eat quite a lot because I will feel really full/heavy. The first spoon/bite is very good/yummy/delicious when I eat lasagna. Japanese sashimi and sushi are my favorite things. I like sashimi with soy sauce and wasabi.