F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Image result for personality adjectives


Promotion – getting a higher position (at the same company)

I just bought it to read the articles (to sound not guilty for buying a dirty magazine)
Dirty = sexy pictures
Dirty talk = to try and talk and be sexy for someone

reverse – opposite side or to go backwards.
perspective – the way someone sees or understands something
reverse perspective – to see something through someone else’s eyes (usually the opposite – like opposite gender)

attention oriented – good at looking at something because you have good skills for paying attention to detail

Laid back – relaxed type person/easy going


Very really great
great = very good

Speaking exercise

The first two years after graduation. I work in/at my first company I read all kinds of magazines everyday like fashion, economic, automobile, and technology. I think magazines about fashion are very interesting but if its about business or technology then no. When I quit my first job and got a better job at another company. For the first job I focus on advertising and the second job I focus on digital stuff. Because we always cooperate with apps or websites with large client database.