F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about what you think are the most effective marketing methods (including cost efficiency) and where they are.


Relaxing/chill – quiet and not busy

Wing(ing) it – to do something without  preparing
eg. I don’t prepare for presentations, I like to wing it.
The calm before the storm – the quiet period before something happens.

Trivial – has no value or importance
eg. This type of meeting isn’t connected to my job and very trivial.

acknowledge – to let someone know you see them and are engaging/talking to them

pointers = tips/pieces of advice

nervous/have anxiety 

Criteria – a list of things to include and judge  something (PPT, paper)

Customer vs client
Customer – someone that buys something
Client – someone you have a long term service relationship with
Audience – someone who listens to your marketing/advertisements

Ultraviolet light (UV) – 紫外线

SEO – search engine optimization

SEM – Search Engine Marketing


anything I should to prepare

If companies want to strengthen their marketing

Allergy medicine


Strategy [Strategy]

Calculate [Cal-Q-late]