F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Confidential – something that is a secret

Accent – different sound when speaking a language from other native speakers
Dialect – same country but slightly different language

Beggar- someone who asks for money
Pickpocket – person who takes things from people’s pockets

Hands on – to help do something using your hands
Participate – to be part of doing something

Part/piece – one of something that has many others (I am 1 part of a bigger team)
Slice – measure word for pizza, bread, cake (slice means to cut)

Warm, hot, kind of hot, pretty hot, really/very hot, extremely
Tiny, small/little, average, big/large, giant, huge, gigantic, massive

Humidity – water/moisture in the air
eg. The humidity is very high today.
eg. Today is very humid
Lightning – 闪电
Thunder – 雷声
Typhoon – 台风
Snowstorm – 雪暴

Skating – 滑冰
Skiing – 滑雪
Snowboarding – 滑雪板

Coworkers/colleague – 同事
modern – very new and fashionable pension – money you get after retiring
Unemployment insurance – money the government gives you if you lose your job
Health insurance – company and government pay for you if you go to hospital
Life insurance- money given to your family if something bad happens

Majority – the most of something (more than 50%)
Minority – small amount (less then 50%)
Minor – small thing
Major – big thing

Weak (opposite of strong)
Dark vs light
Tight vs loose

Leggings = yoga pants 


More big/bigger.
More hot/hotter.

Foreigners (not foreigner people)

4 times the salary Follow her (not she)

Good vs well
I speak English well & My English skills are good

Some/a little/a bit of money (not a few because few should have a value)

40% of the Chinese price



Opposite (oppo-sit)