F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write a few sentences similar to the ones in this class (4-5)

Next Class Focus



Warn – to tell someone to prepare for something
eg. Judy warned me that you talk fast.

air pollution/smog – 雾霾

eg. I want to stop smoking because it is unhealthy.


I have done many things today =Ā I have had a busy day/I had a long day.

Sentence builder
I have beenĀ in shanghai for 8 years and live in JiadingĀ district.
(been must be followed byĀ in,Ā on, to, at, etc)

I visitedĀ Beijing 2 years ago but didn’t see the/any air pollution/smog
(after visited, you should give a place and time)

I would likeĀ to play with my son every evening/night.
(We must useĀ to + base verbĀ after ‘would like’)
IĀ  likeĀ to play with my son every evening/night.
(We must useĀ to and a base verb, or a present tense verb after ‘like’)

I need to do away with my bad habits (smoking). Because I have smoked for 5 years and I don’t want toĀ become/getĀ sick.
(when replying to a ‘why question’, we must reply with ‘because…’)

I enjoy talking to you because I never talk to a foreigner/foreigners for soĀ suchĀ a long time
(after using ‘enjoy’ we must follow it with a verb or a (adjective) noun –> I enjoy eating chinese food/I enjoy Chinese food very much

On an airplane
On/in the subway

Base / Past / Present / Future (tense)
eatĀ  Ā  Ā ateĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā eatingĀ  Ā  Ā Ā willĀ eat (future tense is ‘Will’ + base verb)


Slept [Sle-pt]

Pollution [Po-lU-shin]

Smog [Sma-og]

Heard [Hurd]