F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about your trip on the cruise ship.


Cruise ship 游轮 – a large boat that you can sleep and travel on

Ginger – 生姜

President – the leader of a country (China – Xi Jinping, USA – Trump)
Prime minister – Leader of country (Canada, United Kingdom)
King/Queen – leader of a kingdom country
Emperor – leader of some Asian countries (Old China, Japan)

Nickname – a short or fun name for someone
Kiwi –
 a fruit and also a bird (in New Zealand) or a person from New Zealand
Aussie – person from Australia
Canuck – person from Canada
Yankee – person from America (also a baseball team)

Snorkeling – Image result for snorkeling

Pass out/faint – to fall asleep from something (heat, fear, not enough air, etc)
Knock out – to fall asleep because something hits you

Layout – the way that someone looks and is created

Parade – a show of people walking through the street

Ethnic group – 民族 different groups of people from the same country

History – 历史

Men of Honor – movie about becoming a diver