F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Duffle bag – a small foldable bag good for storage and ability to carry a lot of stuff

Formation – the shape or layout of something (side by side, triangle, 4 by 4)

Stands/stalls – a counter that sells things like vegetables/cosmetics/phones/etc

Barter – to bargain with
eg. I tried to barter with him to get a better deal for the phone

Kiwi – a brown fuzzy fruit with a green sour inside 猕猴桃
Fuzzy – describes something that has the feel of hair on the outside

Lychee – 荔枝

Freeze – the action of making something ice cold

Fridge = refrigerator 

Zucchini – 西葫芦

青椒 – green/yellow/orange/bell (sweet) pepper

青豆- green bean or long green bean (chinese green bean)

茄子 – eggplant

Coconut – 椰子 (green has juice, brown has milk)

菠菜 – Spinach

Broccoli – 西兰花

Greens – any type of green leaf vegetable 青菜