F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Describe your favorite foods using the new adjectives below.


Antonym – this is the opposite of a word (Big/small, Hot/cold)

Security guard – person that guards a person, or place
eg. I’m really fed up with the parking garage security guard.

Parking Garage – a place to park and store your car.

They are their own worst enemy – someone who makes their own life difficult

Bun –  包子/馒头

Taste buds – the parts of your tongue that taste different flavors

Savory – (of food) belonging to the category that is salty or spicy rather than sweet.


Rich (flavor) – to contain a lot of strong flavor that stays in your mouth.

Textures – the feel of something

Tough – difficult to cut/chew/eat
Tender – easy to cut/chew/eat

General Tso/Tao/Gao’s chicken – the most popular western Chinese dish (recommended by Jacob)

Cater – to prepare and serve food to people (specific needs/desires – give the people what they need/want)
eg. Restaurants cater to customers
eg. Chinese restaurants in America cater to Western tastes
eg.  A nurse should cater to the patients needs.


I haven’t slept well this week.


attend [a-tend]

anniversary [an-a-ver-sa-rE]

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