F2F Class Notes [Jacob]

Speak slower to avoid using umm/ahh/err, and focus on more clean pronunciation.


I found – I discovered

Travel abroad (go to other country)

Cuisine – Food from a specific country

Kilogram (Kg)

Acne – spots on face


Past tense

The word ‘have’ does not describe a specific tense.

I went with her go to the bbq bar and drank lots of beer.

It will be save money

Practice the below for next class and we can help your pronunciation.


Jenna was at the airport. She was waiting for her plane. Her plane would leave at 7 p.m. It was only 2 p.m. She had time to eat. She had time to study. She went to the airport restaurant. The restaurant was on the third floor. The restaurant was full. There were no empty seats. There were no empty tables. She didn’t want to stand in line. She didn’t want to wait. There was another restaurant in the airport. It was on the first floor. She went down to the first floor. That restaurant was almost empty. There were many seats and many tables.