F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Review these words and write down any you don’t fully ‘comprehend‘.


Soundness – the stability of a company, institution, or an idea
eg. The soundness of your idea is questionable.

Readiness – how ready you are for something
eg. America has a high level of readiness to go to war quickly.

Infrastructure – the buildings, roads, hospitals, schools, transportation, power plants
eg. China is likely the strongest infrastructure builder in the world

Central air – a larger air conditioner that transports cool air to the entire building

Sophistication – a person with a good appearance of fashion and knowledge, and machines with a high level of advancement

Instability – not stable

Bureaucracy – the process of doing something in the government which must go through a lot of levels and decisions
eg. Starting a business is very hard because of all the bureaucracy you have to deal with.

Sport/shopping Complex – a place with many different facilities like gym, court, yoga studio

Corrupt(ion) – people break the law to get ahead (taking money for favors)
eg. Giving someone an advantage in exchange for something is corruption
eg He is corrupted by allowing the boy to attend the school because he paid the admission officer.
Nepotism – similar to corruption, it means to give family members an unfair advantage over others.

No harm no foul – if no one gets hurt then there is not problem

Rampant – running wild and out of control
eg. Corruption often runs rampant in non democratic states.


Technological [Tech-no-logic-al]