F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about the more useful type of language exercise you have ever used. 


Underdog – a team/individual that is less likely to win
Long shot – something that is unlikely to happen

Get off the hook – to not get in trouble for something that you should
eg. Messi got off the hook because he is so famous and rich.

Rivalry – a strong competitiveness between two teams/players
eg. Me and my sister have a childhood rivalry and always compete with each other.

Baker – someone who bakes breads and desserts

Dentist – doctor for your teeth
Dental clinic – where you go to get your teeth fixed

Oral – something to do with your mouth
Orally – something you should use your mouth for
eg. You should take these pills orally

Passive-aggressive – being aggressive in a less obvious way (maybe the way your speaking)
eg. You did it correctly…but could of been faster
eg. She makes a lot of money, but does it illegally.

Trivia – a game where you must answer questions about knowledge


In Lori and me –> With Lori and me, we have a rivalry.

In the winter people be fatter and fatter
In the winter people become more and more fat.

More cheaper/cheaper

When I returned back to the office.