F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Resort – large hotel with pools and lots of activities available. (good for relaxing holidays)

Groceries – food you buy to eat at home (from a store)
Grocery store – 超市

Illegally – against the law
Legally – following the law

Permanent residence/resident

It comes in all shapes and sizes – there are all different kinds
eg. Love comes in all shapes and sizes.

Grain – measurement word for salt/rice
Take it with a grain a salt – 
to do something that has a small bad/negative side but mostly good.
eg. Its not easy but if you take it with a grain of salt, then it will be worth it.

Immensely – a whole lot/very very much
eg. My Chinese gf’s English improved immensely.


From 7 to 10 days on vacation.

More cheaper/cheaper (don’t use more and the ‘er’)


Grocery [Grow-shree]

Neighbor [Nay-ber]