F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Couch – sofa
eg. If you sit on the couch for too long, then you will become a couch potato.

Up sell – to try and sell more stuff then they planned

Quote [Quo-tes] – to say what someone else has said

Selfie – to take a picture of yourself/or with others
eg. Asian girls love to take selfies everywhere they go.

Ripped off – to get a really bad deal
eg. I did a bad job negotiating and got ripped off.


Double verbs
I used to love eating chocolate. (most common for double verbs: Love, hate, like, dislike)
I like cooking dinner for my family
I always choose to read when I have free time.
He doesn’t enjoy exercising when its so hot outside.

If you cost more 9100 then you got a 3 year membership

Cost vs Spend
He told me is will cost 9100, but I only spent 8500.
His laptop should have cost more then 10000, but he spent only 9000

Paul didn’t come home until later then expected.

As painful as it is. (it means the selfie)
As awesome as it was/is….. (now indicate why it is not awesome anymore)


cost [Caw-st]

Speaking exercise

Two weeks ago when I went to the gym club to but a new membership. The salesman always swayed me to buy a long-term membership. Finally, I didn’t have any choice and bought it. As awesome as it was I think I got ripped off. When I bought the membership, I also bought another membership near the gym club that is which is/for a car washing shop.