F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


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Faulty – defective and doesn’t work
Flawed – it has a problem and not made correctly

Production Constraint – something that doesn’t let you make a productive faster

By-product – something extra after you make product

Tire/Tyre – Image result for car tire

Air pollution – the dirty/unhealthy air

Custom-made goods – products can be specialized to make what a customer wants
Tailor-made – made for a specific client

Laboratory – a place for testing something



My sample size is maybe 20 of 100

The product can be specialized for a customer


defective [Dee-fect-tive]

customers [custom-ers]

Assembly line – make a part into a product, a lot of parts into a product.

Batch (problems) – If 3 of 20 of the sample have problems then you must check more

In China my company only by produce very large quantity (buy in bulk). They sell to my customers in Europe, and Russia.