F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Complex – 复杂

Combine – put things together
Combination – two or more thing mixed together

Proportion – 比例 the size/amount of something used with another thing
eg. A large desk in a small office is not a good proportion
eg. Using to much dark colors and not enough light colors is not proportionate 

Shiny vs Dull
Shiny – something the light can be seen on/reflection (cell phone screen)
Dull – don’t see the colors on it (takes the light in)

Lipstick – colorful makeup for your lips

Skin tone – color of skin (white/pale, dark, tanned/golden)
eg. She just got back from Thailand and her skin tone is really nice.
eg. Asian girls like light skin tones, while Europeans like tanned skin.


I helped her to do makeup

In a good makeup –> to do makeup well

a part of the face

we can make a complex makeup design/look on their eyes

we shouldn’t do a complex design on their mouth
we should do a simple design near/around their mouth

Europe (place), European (thing or people)

Look vs looks
Looks – all the parts of a girls appearance
Look – the appearance of one part (clothes, makeup, body, hair)
eg. I/you/they/we look fantastic thos week
eg She/he/it looks very amazing today


Dull [Doll]