F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Find a restaurant with an English menu (online menu). Review it and bring some question.


Chain – Image result for chain

Chain restaurant – a restaurant that has many shops but is the same company
eg. What is your favorite chain restaurant? Mine is Subway.

Sour – 酸

罗宋汤 –> minestrone soup (Western Country), –> goulash soup (Eastern Europe)

Paprika – a spice made from dried peppers (but not spicy)

Herbs – a plant that grows fresh things for cooking (mint, basil, thyme, oregano)
Spices – dried herbs or other seasoning

Bruschetta –  a popular Italian appetizer made of toasted bread and fresh vegetablesImage result for bruschetta

Appetizer – a small dish you eat while waiting for the main course

Toasted – make something crispy by cooking its outside
eg. After bread is toasted, we call it toast.


Soup [Suue-p]

onion [an-yin]

Sour [Sow-were]