F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about your trip to Chiang Mai.


Island fever – when you just want to live the island lifestyle (relaxing, sitting on beach, not working)
eg After going back to work, I still had island fever and couldn’t focus

Instant noodles – a bowl of noodles that you just add hot water to cook

A fear of… – To be scared of something all the time
eg. Many people have a fear of heights (scared to be in high places)
Phobia – a fear of something
eg. Jacob has acrophobia (a fear of heights)

Give in to something – let something win or control you
eg. If I give into my fear, then I will lose many life experiences

Conquer our fears – to beat your fear and no longer fear it

Kick the bucket – to die
Bucket list – a list of things you want to do before you die

Stereotype – something that is assumed about people from a certain part of the world
eg. Asians are good at math
eg. Canadians live in igloos

Connection – to change planes to reach your final destination
eg. When traveling, if you have too many connections, then it can be very tiring
Layover – you have to stop in an airport for a while to change planes


It will be hard to get promoted again in the near future

Fly –> flew (past tense)