F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about your new job. The good & the bad, the simple and the difficult things.


Wedding – event when people get married

First class – most expensive airplane seats
Business class – 2nd expensive airplane seats
Economy class – cheapest airplane seats

Split up – to take a big thing and make it into small parts
eg. I need to split up the work and give some to my assistant

Record – to write down/make a copy of something that happened (writing, filming, etc)
eg. I recorded our class by writing it down.
eg. I like to record music concerts so I can watch later


I have to/must/need to do ….. (not ‘I am do’)

Speaking exercise


Everyday I am busy because I have to do HR, and help with accounting. So everyday I do a lot of things. Because everyday I to do plan it, and my boss tells me do this and do that. I think I am more happy than before.