F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about what kind of job you wanted when you were a child, and what kind of job you want now. Why did you change (because)?

Next Class Focus

Because, for example, situational tenses


Foreigner = a person from a foreign country
eg. Maybe she is a foreigner.

Recommend – go give your opinion that someone/something is good at something
eg. My friend recommended me for this job.
eg I recommend that you don’t do this because its very dangerous.

Adept – to have knowledge on how to do something (very good at something)
eg. I am adept at high level sales.

Because = to give a reason or excuse for something that was not a normal thing or decision.

Fickle – a person who changes their mind often

Specific vs general
General – very little details
Specific – a lot of detail
Specifically – to have given a lot of detail for doing/getting something

Preparation (Prep) – to get ready for something


Didn’t to do

Can’t speak anymore = can’t speak about difficult topics

He is a foreigner person.

I like persons from this country because they are polite. (persons or peoples are not words we use)
1 = person, 2+ = people

Because vs example 
eg. I did this because I thought it was the right thing.
eg. I left my last job because.…..
eg. I am good at doing this kind of work. For example, I have successfully reached sales goals for 2 years straight.

Using tenses in a story
why did you leave your last job?- we use leave because the question talks about at the time it happened. (we don’t use 2 past tense verbs did & left)
I already left my last job. – we use left because we are talking now and looking back in time (can’t use already leave)

am Interested in


Polite [Pooo-light]

Straight [Stray-ate]

Gathered [Ga-thur-ed]

Speaking exercise

Why do you think your suitable for this position? –
I have the same sales and marketing experience on that, I know what I can selling and have sales skill.
I have similar sales and marketing experience. I have good sales skills and good at selling products.

Why did you leave your last job?- I gathered experience in my past/last job in order to find an industry in which I am interested in. I decided I didn’t like that industry and wanted to move to a new one.

Introduction (introduce): If you tell them before they ask, its less stressful for yourself
who you are, where your from
Where you studied/what you major was
Interests (hobbies)
Work experience (don’t tell them everything you did at each job, only tell them whats connected to the new job)
Why you left your last job and want this job
Why your a good candidate for this job and what you will bring to the company