F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Write about your toughest day at work. Try to include the following words: started, stressful, tiring, difficult, pass out, finished


Condense – make something smaller but still have the same meaning/flavor/etc
eg. I wanted to condense my interview answers because they were too long.

GM = General manager 

General vs specific = General means it has a lot of different uses or meanings, specific means one a few or 1 use/meaning (and has lots of detail)
General – get me a coffee
Specific = Can you get me an Iced latte with a little bit of ice and sugar


For interviews, separate each section into tenses to make it easier.

I previously worked at….I was responsible/I did the…
Now I work at..I am responsible/Everyday I do the…

Ex-job = previous job

The company will be better and better  grow


Visual [Viz-zu-wol]


Vendors [Ven-ders]



Created [Kree-a-tid]

Innovative [In-no-vaa-tive]

Writing exercise

I did everything from dealing with vendors to setting up displays
I was responsible for talking with vendors, setting up displays and everything in between

why u open to see opportunities – Why are you seeking/looking for new job opportunities?