F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Karaoke – KTV

View – what someone sees (opinion from someone)
eg. The school wanted to get the students different views

Cafeteria – 餐厅

Competition/Match – 比赛

Prize/award – whoever wins a competition usually gets a prize

Competitive – someone who always wants to win at a competition
eg. If I think I can win the competition then I will be competitive.

Bottle opener – something to open bottles

Environment/atmosphere – 气氛

Brew – to make beer or coffee
Brewery –
a place where beer is made

Craft – something that we make using skill and our hands
eg Craft beer is very good and popular now.

Quiet/calm – 安静

Loud – lots of noise and not quiet or good for talking

Nearby – close to here

Local market – a small market that sells meat/fruit/vegetables/eggs/etc


In/After two weeks (2 weeks in the future)
Two weeks ago/earlier (2 weeks in past)

I will go to do makeup for children


Competitive [Cum-pet-ta-tive]