F2F Class Notes (Jacob)



Choose an article from the website.


Recipe [res-sa-pee] – how you make a dish/food (includes ingredients and how to make it)

Ingredients – everything used to make one dish

Spill – to drop a liquid or accidentally put it on someone (water, milk, beer)
Spilt (past tense)

Genre – type of music/book/movie/tv show
eg. Romantic/comedy/horror/drama/action/Mystery/thriller

Episodes – one viewing of a show (lasting 30 or 60 mins usually)
eg. BBC’s Sherlock Holmes episodes last about 90 mins

Season – several episodes make one season

Series – a show that lasts several seasons

Air Conditioning – cold air from a machine
Air Conditioner – the machine that blows cold air


Include the ‘ing’ for the verbs you like doing. Listening, Watching, Reading, Cooking

Foreigners vs foreign = foreign patients (not foreigner)


Oil [Oi-yol]

Onion [an-yin]

Speaking exercise

How are you = How have you been? (after not seeing someone for a long time)