F2F Class Notes (Jacob)




Goalie/Goalkeeper/Goaltender/keeper/net-minder – The position in a sport who must defend the goal/net

Split – stretch your legs so they are completely straight Image result for ice hockey goalie does splits

Mutual – having the same or common thing (shared interested)

Muffin top/love handles – having to much fat around your lower stomach/waist  area

waste – garbage (something that is thrown away)

Context – the mood/atmosphere that affects how people say and understand things
eg. I read a sentence in English but I didn’t quite understand the context of it.

Connotation – background meaning or emotion with something said (positive/negative intention)
eg. You look great today (this has a positive connotation)
eg. Yesterday my roommate asked why I didn’t get married yet (doesn’t have a negative connotation)

Idioms – a native phrase that doesn’t make sense logically but has a special meaning
eg. It was a piece of cake = it was easy
eg. 2 birds 1 stone = 2 problems solved with 1 attempt/solution
eg. Nailed it = you did something perfectly (or nearly perfect)
eg. A dime a dozen = something is very cheap

Dozen (bakers) = 12
Half a dozen = 6

Dime = 10 cent coin in Canada/America


there is a so very/super popular the sushi place

friend from uni (uni-friend?)