F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Mood = atmosphere

Judge – thinking an opinion about something/someone because of that they do/say
Estimate – trying to get an answer that you think is right (usually difficult to give the perfect answer)
eg. I would estimate there is 100 people in that picture.

Accurate – it is very close to the correct answer
eg. I can’t give you an accurate estimate for the price of this phone.

Diabetes – body can’t control your blood-sugar level

Natural sugars – sugar that comes directly from non-processed foods
Refined sugars – sugars that are processed

Outcome – what happens in the end (final decision/similar to result)
eg. The outcome of the sports match was that my team lost

Income (opposite = expenditure)
Expenditure – spending money  (money going out)
Expense – you spend money on something (negative money flow)

broad – opposite of specific
eg. This word is very broad and has so many meanings and uses.

talk = chat = discuss = socialize 

Family time – a time meant for the family to socialize


With more some people

Judgement some people –> You need to judge someone to make a judgement
Make a judgement about people

Make some judgements
Make a judgement


cholesterol [Ko-less-ter-rol]