F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Finishing learning the vocab from your article and this class.


Shape – 形状
Round/circle -圆形
square/box – 方形
triangle – 三角形
Rectangle –
4 sides with 2 sides longer
Oval – 
egg shape

Bi – 2 of something (bicycle)
Tri – 3 of something (tricycle)
Quad – 4 of something (quad-bike)

For shapes we add (gon – pentagon)
Penta – 5 of something
Hecta – 6 of something
Septa – 7 of something
Octa – 8 of something (octopus)

obligations – something you have to do (required to do by rules, or laws)

thorough – to look through all of something, look at all the details carefully, done perfectly with nothing missing

Comply – follow the rules
regulations – rules (official)

authorities – person/people (cops, government)


tion [Shin]

obligations [ob-la-gay-shins]

thorough [Thurr-ro]

catalogue [cat-a-log]