F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


From last class.


Performance evaluation – an assessment of how your doing at your job

Durable – makes it more flexible and stronger so that it doesn’t break easily  (will last longer)

Concrete = cement plus sand & water

Nationwide – something that covers or is offered across the entire country.
eg. My company doesn’t offer services nationwide.

Distribution – being able to sell and deliver products to a large number of areas, the way something is laid out in an area or group
eg.  The distribution of population in China is greater in the east.
eg. The distribution of wealth in China is greater in the East compared to the West.

Wealth – how much property and money you have

Property – connected with land, or ownership of something
eg. People are buying more property now then ever before in China

Population – the number of people in a given area

Low income = less then 20,000 USD in America, per year
eg. Public housing is a project by the government for low income people.

middle class = 20,000-200,000 USD in America, per year

wealthy = 200,000 USD in America, per year

Incentive – you get something in return for being successful. It motivates you to do it and be successful
eg. Commission is a common incentive for sales people

7 aside (7s)- means each side/team gets to use 7 players

Football Pitch – place where you can play football (British English)

Goalie/goaltender/net minder/keeper – the person who protects the net/goal in a sport


Now a days a lot are constructed on job sites.

once every two months

The distribution of wealth favors older white men in America

The distribution is greater in = more of something in…

We plan to meet together on Sunday for the first practice


Sellout [Sell-out]

