F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Describe how you found this apartment and the process you went through to acquire it.


Cram – pushing as much stuff as you can into a small space

Cramming – trying to push as much knowledge in your brain before a test
eg. In Canada, all the students are cramming before exams to learn as much as they can

Cramp – not having enough space to move around (small space)
eg. The Shanghai subway is very cramp in the morning before work

Repellent – something that keeps away things you don’t like

Repel – to push back your enemy or something you don’t like

Adversary –  your opponent or someone your against  (enemy/opponent)

Greasy –  has a feeling very similar to oil (maybe used to much oil for something like cooking); an adjective to describe someone/or an action who does questionable things

Energetic – someone that has a lot of energy and never gets tired
eg. Children are very energetic and run around all day

Artistic – used to describe someone art skills
eg. Your artistic skills are very amazing.

Enthusiastic – a characteristic for someone that is very positive  and always says yes to doing things
eg. Children are usually very enthusiastic about trying new things.
eg. My daughter is very enthusiastic for learning how to draw after math class.

Furnished – to already come with/have furniture
eg. Some people like a furnished apartment so they don’t have to buy new stuff.


Sometimes I need to entertain my clients

We have to figure it out

enthusiastic for/about drawing

we learn how to do something


cunning [Kun-ning]

architecture [ark-i-tek-ture]

Repellent [Ra-pell-int]

mosquitoes [Mo-sqeet-os]

Sympathetic [sym-pa-thet-tic]