F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Possess – have/own (its mine)
eg. I possess an apple Iphone.
eg. What are your valuable possessions (things you own that are valuable)

Request – formal version of asking for something (more demanding)
eg. I am requesting you send me the documents for my account ASAP.
eg. Can I make a request? = can I ask something?
eg. Can I make a request for my vacation?

Personal leave = taking time away from something (like work) for a personal reason (sick family, death in the family, related to your life)

ASAP = as soon as possible; need very quickly/urgently
eg. I have received your request and will reply to you ASAP.

Receive – to get something
eg. did you receive the letter I sent you?

Received – got some, something arrived
eg. I received the letter that you sent me

Aliens – from another planet, or a person from another country

Earth – the planet we live on 地球

Planet – 行星

Contact – give someone some information or message through (phone call, message, email, face to face)

Gonna – informal of going to

Common – normal or happens a lot
eg. It’s common for me to go traveling during/on my vacation
eg. Rain during June & July is very common.

Likely (<50%, to happen) – probably will happen, because something often happens it has a high chance to happen
eg. Because I eat watermelon often, it is likely I will eat it today
eg. The weather forecast says 80% chance of rain today, so it will likely rain
eg. If I go to the gym everyday, it is likely I will lose weight.

uncommon/not common –  not usual, not normal, does not happen a lot
eg. It is uncommon to snow in the summer.
eg. It is not common to be freezing weather in Hong Kong

Freezing – less then 0 degrees Celsius, something turning to ice (water)

unlikely (>50%, to happen) – probably won’t happen, does not happen often
eg 4% chance of precipitation means its very unlikely to rain/snow.
eg. In the summer, it is very unlikely to snow.
eg. If I eat more food, it is unlikely I’ll lose weight

Precipitation – some falling from sky (related to weather like rain or snow)

Ironic/Irony – two unlikely things meet
eg. It is Ironic, that the one/only time I buy a lottery ticket, I win.


I made a contact with my client – I contacted my client = I have spoken with my client

Tell — > told (past tense) –> want to/will tell (future tense) –> Telling (present)

I told you about my work experience about me, then now/later I want to/will tell you my plans for the future. *(here we can’t use then to separate the past tense and future)

I’m going to finish my work quickly, then I can/will/want to tell you about something *(here we use then to separate present and future tense)

*You can tell me about the present, and then tell me about the future.

Going to (traveling to) – present, Going to go to (traveling to) – future, going to (do something) – future

Going to learning (Going to = future tense,  learning = present tense, so we can’t use these together)

I’m going to improve my English, then I will get a good job in the future (Great sentence!)


Alien [Ale-lian]

Broadcasting (not bored/board)