F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Accuse – saying someone did something
eg. I’m accusing you of stealing something from that store.

Accusations – saying someone did several things

Deny – say you didn’t do something

Denial –  arguing or thinking you didn’t do something or something is not true (won’t admit to something)
eg. I accused him of drinking to much but he is in denial.

Severe – making something (usually negative) have a stronger meaning
eg. You have a severe injury/illness.
eg. I have a severe car crash last year and was severely hurt
eg. Arsenal is suffering from a severe goal shortage.
eg. The director produced a severely bad movie.

Sanction – putting a law to prevent certain types of trading with a country (usually its a form of punishment)

Misled – make someone follow/go in the wrong direction

Soybeans – 黄豆

Represent – to do something on behalf of a company/country/or someone else; shows some kind of point
eg. A lawyer represents you in court
eg. Sales people represent their company when do business with others
eg. These numbers represent that our company is finally profitable

Director – Person in charge of making a movie


Absolute power – can do anything

Make someone to believe/believe in something


misled [miss-lead]

denial [D-ee-nai-ol]

severally [Sa-veer-ly]