F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


Ride – to use a bicycle, scooter, horse, subway
eg. I ride on the subway to work everytime

Tan – dark skin from the sun
eg. In Thailand I hope my skin doesn’t get too tanned 

Sun screen – lotion to protect you from the sun

Personal time – time for ones self
eg. I always have to do work for my job during my personal time

Depressed – to feel sad or down
eg. Working so much makes me feel depressed

Regret – åŽæ‚”
eg. I never regret helping my friend.

Right –  to be correct or allowed to do something
eg. It’s her right to choose what idea to use

Control – be in charge and tell someone what to do and how to do it
eg. I didn’t mean to try and control what she did.
eg. At work I control the HR & Admin stuff.

Full time – To work 30+ hours/week

Part time – to work 30 hours or less/week


No time for … sleep/class/to eat.

I share her something – I shared something with her

Speaking exercise


I think I like my work. Sometimes this work I can do in Monday. But in Monday, I can free time do another things. So maybe I no time to do my plans.

A little time I feel bad. But I help her and never want her to give me anything. I only want to help her to give her different or more idea. But she didn’t decided. I think its her right, I only gave her idea. But I never tell her you must do it. But she thought I want control her.


I think I like my work. Sometimes this (weekend) work I can do on Monday. But on Monday, I can have free time do another things. So maybe I have no time to do/for my plans.

For a little time while I felt bad. But I helped her and never wanted her to give me anything. I only wanted to help her to give her different or more ideas. But she didn’t decided on it. I think its her right, I only gave her the idea. But I never told her ‘you must do it’. But she thought I wanted to control her.