F2F Class Notes (Jacob)


https://www.eslkidstuff.com/wordlists/WordList300.pdf (look at this file)


ex. eg. = example

Valuable – has a lot of value or benefit

Semester – period of time in school (3-4 months, fall & winter semester)

Humid – When the air has a lot of water and makes the air feel warm

Bite – caused by an animal using its teeth on something

Chew – to bite food/break food in your mouth
eg. You must chew your food before you swallow

Swallow – to move your food from mouth to stomach
eg. Babies can’t swallow big food

Chewy – something that you must bite a lot to break apart
eg. Steak is often very chewy

Oily, salty, spicy


How much time do you spend learning Chinese each day?

Flew (past tense of fly)
eg. I flew to Canada many times

The object/subject/thing being discussed must be clear/known to use these words – The/that/there/it/then 

Then – Used to talk about a time known between both people; used to talk about what you will do after finishing something
eg. Want to have dinner at 6?…..Sure….Great see you then!
eg. I will have dinner and then go to see my friends=I will have dinner and after I will go see my friends

More than one option


Skiing [Skie – ing]
