F2F Class Notes (Grace) [S]


Animation – the state of being full of life or vigor; liveliness.

Intense,Intensity – the quality of being intense.

Predict- say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.

Certificate – an official document attesting a certain fact.

Competitive -relating to or characterized by competition.

Female – a female person, animal, or plant.

Colleague -a person with whom one works in a profession or business.

Foreign exchange – an institution or system for dealing in the currency of other countries/the currency of other countries.

Contact -the state or condition of physical touching.


we communicate with each other just last year – we got back in touch last year 

Speaking exercise

My holiday plans get enough sleep, go see the dentist, go to Wuxi to see my friend her girl.

My holidays plans are to get enough sleep, go see the dentist and to travel to Wuxi to meet my friend and her daughter.