F2F Class Notes (Georges)


Write a review about a restaurant you’ll be going to this week, and then post it.


Quantitative- Having to do with the qualities of something, describing something.

e.g. When you compile surveys or take a census, you are doing quantitative research.

Qualitative- Having to do with the quantity of something, how much of it.

e.g. When you interview people for data, you are doing qualitative research.

Jargon- Specialized terms that are specific to one discipline or area.

e.g. When she speaks, she uses too much jargon, I don’t understand her.

Control group- A group of people that is used to compare the results when testing a product or medication.

e.g. When doctors are testing new medication, they must also have a control group of subjects to make sure the medication actually works.

Placebo effect- When you think you are gaining a beneficial effect but it’s not due to the original attempt.

e.g. She bought this cream and swears it works but I think it’s just placebo effect.


IN a magazine

IN a newspaper

IN a picture/photograph

I saw something ON tv last night

I could see everything he was typing on his laptop/screen

I went travelling in the United States


I was in the America two weeks ago