F2F Class Notes (George)[S]

Speaking exercise

today I find some company to do something for event, they can help our set up and some IP products next we will hold on the IP event about sugar, the sugar’s name is Fujiya, we will make a pop up store about Fujiya , so we need to find some company that do IP product.


today I found some suppliers to do few things for our event, they can help with our event’s set up and  do some IP products, then we will hold on the IP event about a candy, the candy‘s brand name is Fujiya, we will make a pop up store for Fujiya , so we need to find some suppliers that can do IP product.


product: 产品
something that is made to be sold.

candy: 糖果
a food made of sugar or chocolate

Brand: 牌子
a type of product made by a company

supplier: (尤指长期的)供应商
a company that can do something that you need on a long term

Lake : 湖

downtown: 在市中心(的)