F2F Class Notes (George) [S]


Try and watch the movie Moana and write a short review of it or talk about it next class.


Maldives- Maerdaifu

Speaking exercise


I hold the wedding cermeony in Hawai. In China, when a coupre hold a wedding ceremony, they usually call a lot of rel-lahtives and play a show in front of all of the people. When I get married, I think that’s not a good way to hold my wedding cereomny, So i just decide to just take my parents and his father, to hold the wedding cereomny just 5 persons. WE pick a place, i think hawai is a good place to hold the ceremony. The trip hold on April 2015 and I search on the internet and find a very cheap price for the lfight. The flight ticket just spend 4ooo per person, because the trip spend 10 hours, my husband and i find asmall chruch because my husband is a christian, before the trip, we foound an agency in Moie island. They charge us a lot of money for the renting fee for the church, and we also found a photographer and wiolin player. I also bought a wedding dress in suzhou, so I take this clothes to the hawai and we hold a very simple but very impressive wedding ceremony in moiy island. We also spend a very happy trip for about 10 days.


I held my wedding ceremony in Hawaii. In China, when a couple holds a wedding ceremony, they usually call a lot of relatives and give a performance in front of all the guests. When I got married, I thought that that’s not a good way to have a wedding ceremony, So i just decided to take my parents and his father, and hold the wedding ceremony with just 5 people. We picked a place, and I thought Hawaii is a good place to hold my ceremony. The trip took place on April 14 2015 and I found a very cheap flight on the internet. The flight ticket just cost 4ooo per person, because the trip took 10 hours. My husband and I found a small church because my husband is Christian, before the trip, we found an agency in Maui island. They charged us a lot of money as a rental fee for the church, and we also found a photographer and violin player. I also bought a wedding dress in suzhou, so I took it to hawai and we held a very simple but impressive wedding ceremony in maui island. We also spent a very happy trip for about 10 days.