F2F Class Notes (George)


write about your first trial / experience with baking equipments

Speaking exercise

I always give up when I have some trouble or difficult things for me. because when I wanna give up this time I know I can’t do that become perfect. I don’t wanna finish something just over.

if I don’t make it perfect, I will have bad mood to myself and I will have question myself.

I always give up when I face trouble or difficulties. because when I give up this time because I know that I can’t do it perfectly / in a perfect way. I don’t wanna finish something just to make it done.
the rest of my equipments are still in shipping/ delivery. it hasn’t been delivered yet.

if I don’t make it perfect, I will have a bad mood and I will question myself/ my abilities.


equipment: 设备
set of tools to do something

face: (v) 面对
to deal with a problem

shipping : 运输
sending goods from one place to another

delivery: 运送

in a rush: (使)仓促行事
to do something quickly in a hurry.

stress: 紧张
great worry

advanced: 高等的
at a high or difficult level