F2F Class Notes (George)


Looks on CNN and see if you can find any news related to the topics below, and we can discuss next time.


Wedding Registry- A kind of catalog or book the couple puts together where guests can choose what to buy for the couple.

e.g. Many foreign countries still

Civil Union- When you get married but you simply go to the government office and sign the papers.

e.g. I didn’t want to get married in a ceremony so my husband and I prefer a civil union.

Freedom of Speech Act- You can say what you want and no one can tell you to stop.

e.g. I can say what I want, there is freedom of speech in this country!

Freedom of Religion-  Being able to practice your religion without being told what to do.

e.g. In the United States, the founding fathers decided to separate Church and State, and give people freedom of religion.

Secular- Non-religious.

e.g. Every country’s government should be secular, they should not follow religion.

Honor Killing- When you kill someone else to save someone’s honor.

e.g. In Pakistan, there are many honor killings that happen every day

Suicide- When someone kills themselves.

e.g. Samurai in ancient Japan would commit suicide rather than work for another king.