F2F Class Notes (George)


Write a short review about the movie HEREDITARY.Why is the title hereditary, what is it about what happens etc.

Next Class Focus

  • Begin by recapping the previous lesson very briefly, just to review any past vocabulary (5mins)
  • Watch a short ted business talk (2-5 mins) and then discuss points of interest  (speaking techniques or vocabulary 5-10mins)
  • Go over a blog post together from a selection of predetermined blogs on food, travel, or history and find any grammar/vocab Lori  is not familiar with. (10mins)
  • Have Lori tell a story about her topic, which will always be the homework she has.


Notorious-When someone is famous but for reasons that are not so good.

e.g. Graduate students are notorious for being procrastinators.

Hereditary- When you inherit a disease from your mother or father.

e.g. I think my knee problem is hereditary, my mom and grandma both had it.

Schizophrenia/Schizophrenic- A kind of mental disease that the person hears voices and has terrible thoughts.

e.g. If a person is schizophrenic, they must take medication or they might hurt themselves or others.

To vary- Something that is different.

e.g. Schizophrenia varies from person to person, meaning it happens differently.