F2F Class Notes (George)




Prepare the news topics or trending topic to talk about next time.


Distort- When someone tries to make something unclear or confuse us.

e.g. The news media often distorts what’s happening abroad.

Eclipse- When the moon moves in front of the sun and covers it. It is also an expression that means when something gets so much attention that something else is

e.g. I gave a good performance at the concert but her singing eclipse my playing the piano.

101- Usually refers to a very basic introduction to a topic.

e.g. When I first arrived at my university, I took Anthropology 101 with Dr. Kleinman.

Thumbnail-Used to describe the cover picture of a video or other, online.

e.g. If you are not connected to the internet, you can’t load any thumbnails, meaning you can’t see them.

Metrics- The information given about people who visit a website.

e.g. The metrics showed that most of my viewers were from China, between 25-30 and mostly men.