F2F Class Notes (George)


Write a short piece on a stereotype you know of or heard, and write if you’re experience changed when you met someone from that group.


Stereotype- When you have a certain idea, usually negative,  about a group of people and then use that idea to judge someone from that group you meet.

e.g. There’s a stereotype in China that thinks people from Henan are not very honest. But I met many nice people from there so it’s

Discriminate- When there is something about a person or their background that you use to prevent them from going forward in life, work, education, etc.

e.g. In Canada, companies are not allowed to discriminate against people with disabilities.

Disability- When you have some condition that prevents you from being fully able to do things, such as being blind, deaf, mute, not being to able to walk, or being mentally retarded.

e.g. It’s often difficult for people with disabilities to find a proper job.


first four monthesfirst four months