VIP Class Notes (George)


Insignificant- When something is not important, it doesn’t have value.

e.g. I don’t like playing sports, I think it’s too insignificant.

Value (verb or noun)- The importance we give (or not) to a thing or person, how much we are interested in it and how much it means to us.

e.g. I really value my friends and family.

Agreement (noun) : When two or more people understand each other, and share a similar view.

e.g. Usually, after speaking to my clients for one or two hours, we almost always reach an agreement.

Agree (verb)-  To share a similar view with someone.

e.g. I agree with you, it’s too hot to play badminton today.

Badminton (yu mao qiu)- A kind of sport similar to tennis but much slower and with different racquets and balls.

e.g. In high school, many students must play badminton.

Weight lifting-  A kind of exercise where you lift weights to get stronger.

e.g. At the gym, I usually spend an hour and a half lifting weights/weight lifting.

Gym- The place people go to do exercise.

e.g. I only stay at the gym for one hour, not more.

Disciplined-  When you can be very strict with yourself and follow your own rules.

e.g. People who exercise every day seem to be very disciplined.

Christian- People who believe in Jesus and God.

e.g. Christians often learn to say “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust”.


How many times per week do you go to the gym?