F2F Class Notes (George)


Prepare a short list with all the different types of people and jobs that are involved in putting together a wedding, in English.


Catering Company-  The type of company that organizes food during an event.

e.g. I hired the most famous catering company in Shanghai to be at my wedding.

Brochure-Usually a piece of paper that contains information about a product or other.

e.g. Dental clinics are usually full of brochures advertising different services.

Portfolio- An assembly  or collection of different works or projects done by a person that show his or her ability.

e.g. Art students must always submit a portfolio when applying to an art college.

Submit- When you have to give over something, usually official documents, for verification.

e.g. I have to submit a criminal record in order to get my Chinese visa.

Florist- The person who works with flowers, as a profession.

e.g. A good florist only sells fresh flowers.

Event Planners-  People in charge of planning an event.

e.g. Large hotels usually have many event planners they can offer guests who would like to hold an event.

Wedding Planner- People in charge of planning a wedding.

e.g. There is a famous American movie called the Wedding Planner.

Wedding Crashers- Someone who disturbs a wedding on purpose.

e.g. My cousin’s wedding was ruined because of her wedding crashing-ex-boyfriend.

Oral- Things that go in through the mouth, like a thermometer.

e.g. Oral-B is a brand of dental products, because they go in your mouth.

Rectal- Things that go in through the butt/ass, like a thermometer.

e.g. My cat hates going to the vets office because they always give him a rectal the

Armpit- The part that is under your arm, near the chest.

e.g. I get very sweaty armpits in the summer.


For animals, you use it when you are not very fond of them, or when you don’t know it’s gender.