F2F Class Notes (George)


LaDuree- A brand of French macarons

e.g. I bought a box of LaDuree macarons from Paris to bring back to my mom in Shanghai.

The Avengers (Marvel)

e.g. The Avengers is my favorite movie series, all my favorite superheroes are there!

Box Office- It’s the group that evaluates a movie’s success.

e.g. Asura was one of the worst box office failures in China.

Scandal- Something that happens that damages someone’s reputation

e.g. Fan Bing Bing was recently involved in a scandal because her contract leaked to the public.

Body Image- How someone thinks of his or her her body.

e.g. Many people think the current media does a very bad job of giving women a positive body image.

Beauty Ideals- Meeting a certain standard that is considered beautiful, such a big eyes or big lips.

e.g. Over the years, beauty ideals in China have changed dramatically.

Prenuptial Agreement (Prenup)- A contract that says if two people get married and then separate, then they both keep whatever money they had.

e.g. If I ever get married, I want to sign a prenuptial agreement so my husband/wife won’t take all my money if they leave!