F2F Class Notes (George)


Look up some information on environmental protection laws in the shipping industry.

Needs more review

Last session’s vocab review:

The marathon runner encountered a severe injury, but despite it, he persisted and finished the race.


Persevere-  To continue doing something, despite encountering difficulty.

e.g. Many people told me that I didn’t need to study English and that I was wasting my time, but I persevered, and today, I can speak it fluently.

Unsustainable-  Something that cannot continue in the way it is being done currently. (Cutting trees)

e.g. By making many different types of iPhones and forcing people to buy new ones, Apple has made a sustainable business model. People will always come back for more.

e.g. Cutting down all the trees to make paper and furniture is unsustainable because there will soon be no trees left to cut.

Mount- Another word for accumulation.

e.g. Our company’s losses kept mounting and finally, it went bankrupt.

Envisage- To be able to imagine something.

e.g. Try to envisage that you are the boss of the company, and then tell me what would be the first thing you do.

Vice Versa- Something, and it’s opposite

e.g. We generally give gifts in China, and vice versa, we also receive them.

Here we go again-  To be annoyed at something that is said or done, that has also happened in the past.

e.g. A mother complaining about something her son/daughter did a long time ago and the child responds by rolling their eyes and saying “oh, here we go again…”