F2F Class Notes February 27th (Ben)


a plane 飞机

I missed my plane. 我错过飞机


I am used to _________ (something = 名词 或 动名词)

I am not used to (teaching) children.

good, bad, an expert AT + 名词,动名词

I am good at learning.

I am good at fixing computers.

When it comes to = used to introduce a new topic 一谈到

Speaking of = used to slightly change the topic. You can often replace it with “That makes me think, that reminds me”

  • I love being alone, but when it comes to travelling, I have to be with someone.
  • Speaking of which, did I tell you I was going to Kaifeng next week?
  • Speaking of travelling, did I tell you…..?

It can be used to make jokes

  1. I spent the whole afternoon with a customer, she was a really stupid woman
  2. Speaking of which (=stupid women), how is your girlfriend?
  • I like short girls with big eyes.
  • Speaking of which, it’s time for me to go to class (=my teacher is a short girl with big eyes)


plan (plæn)

plane (pleɪn)