F2F Class Notes (David)

Breaking Bad – great tv show!


Find an email situation from work that we can work on next time


I feel it difficult to communicate –> It’s

If just use some simple words it’s ok -> If I just use some simple words it’s ok

More easier to communicate -> Don’t need “more”, one syllable words like “easy” just add “er” or “-ier”

It’s scared -> It’s scary. The kid is scared of it.

less and less babies -> fewer babies

They also have good living, good reading, they just busy with family everything. -> Good lifestyle, good at reading

If I’m know the novel -> if I know the novel

Look for some progressive –> Trying to be progressive

It has an imagination that the future will become like this. -> It imagines that the future will become like this


Handmaid’s Tale -> Handmaiden’s Tale

Not very involved in this series – the actor isn’t in many of the episodes