F2F Class Notes (David)


What are your thoughts about Shanghai’s new garbage collection policy? Do you think it is a good idea? Do you think it will accomplish its goals?


I like this TV show because the TV show’s image is good. -> I like this TV show because the TV show’s animation is good.

I can watch it every time I want. -> I can watch it anytime/whenever I want.

This episode and this episode doesn’t have much continuity. -> Each episode doesn’t have much continuity. -> There isn’t much continuity from one episode to the next. [The episodes don’t have much continuity with each other.]

It’s about kingdom and all the people in the kingdom is Rick. -> It’s about a kingdom and all the people in the kingdom are Rick.

He’s smart. He’s really objective. He make some choice by the truth. -> He makes choices based on the truth.

And the TV show based on the truth, but the director made it by a really art way. -> And the TV show was based on the truth, then the director shot it by a really art way. -> The TV show was based on the truth, but the director shot it in a really artistic way.

And this topic is really heavy. After I watched it it always make me think about our environment and people and scientists. -> After I watched it it always made me think..


In what way? – what did you like about it?

continuity – 连续性

character – 角色

recommendation (noun); recommend (verb) – 推荐

production value – quality of the production

nuclear power – 核动力

effective – 有效


continuity – con-tin-nyoo-ih-tee