F2F Class Notes (David)


Basic parts of a sentence – 句子基本的部分

1. Subject (主语)+ Verb (动词) = sentence (句子)

I sleep. He plays. The doctor sees. The dog barks.

2. + Prepositional phrase -> usually describes where/when, usually comes after the verb.

Subject (主语)+ Verb (动词)+ prepositional phrase (介词短语) = sentence (句子)

Preposition: in, at, near, above, below, out, from, to, by 等等

ex: I sleep in bed. He plays at the park. The dog barks at noon.

3. + Object (对象)

Subject (主语)+ Verb (动词)+ object  = sentence (句子)

ex: I kick the ball. He drinks water. The student learns English.

Subject (主语)+ Verb (动词)+ object + prepositional phrase (介词短语) = sentence (句子)

ex: I kick the ball in the park. He drinks water at the office. The dog barks at noon in the tree.

Article – a, an, the

The – 具体的

A, an – 一个

I eat apples – 我吃苹果。

I like (我喜欢) to eat apples (吃苹果)。

I learn English – 我学英语。

I want (我要)to learn English (学英语)。


usually – 一般

describes – 解释