F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)


Gain weight/ Put on weight – To increase the original weight that you currently have.

E.g -During Spring Festival, I gained a lot of weight. Because I ate too much oily food.

Pork – Meat from the pig.

E.g -I want to stop eating pork. I want to cut off pork from my daily diet.


Today I hit the back of my head on the door of the cabinet.

Leak– Water, liquid or gas to escape from a hole or crack in a pipe.

E.g – Water has been leaking in my apartment for the past 2 weeks.

Sunshine : The light and heat that comes from the sun.

E.g – I always enjoy the sunshine during summer.

Engagement – To agree to marry someone.

E.g –  My niece is having her engagement party tonight.

Ambitious –  Having a strong wish to be successful/powerful/rich in life.

E.g – She has some ambitious plans for her future.

Caring – A person that is kind and gives emotional support to each other.

E.g –  My mother is the most caring person I know.

Arrogant -Proud and behaving as if they are more important than other people. 

E.g – I do not fancy guys that are too arrogant.

Confidence (n)

Loyal –  Firm and not changing position in relationship or organization.

E.g – I have been loyal to my company for the last 20 years.


I do not like to watch movies/ I am not a movie person.

I just want to be friends with you. We can help each other to improve our languages.

I don’t think we are suitable for each other.  I prefer younger guys.

I already have someone that I like/ I am already seeing somebody/ I prefer Asian guys.

I don’t know you that well yet.