F2F Class Notes (Cynthia)


Niece – A daughter of a brother or sister.

E.g – My niece is staying with me for one month.

Nephew – A son of a brother or sister.

E.g – My nephew is 3 years old.

Cousin Brother – A son of an aunt or uncle.

E.g – My cousin brother is getting married next month.

Cousin Sister –  A daughter of an aunt or uncle.

E.g – My cousin sister is going to have a baby.

Uncle – The brother of a mother or father.

E.g – My uncle is coming to Shanghai next week.

Aunt –  The sister of a mother or father.

E.g – My


Niece –/nis/

Nephew – /ˈnef·ju/

Cousin –/ˈkʌz·ən/

Uncle –/ˈʌŋ·kəl/

Aunt – /ænt, ɑnt/